- 01. Optimizing the DOM
- 02. When will the page render?
- 03. Unblocking CSS with Media Queries
- 04. Which stylesheets are render blocking?
- 05. JavaScript and the CRP
- 06. How will the text be rendered?
- 07. External JavaScript Dependencies
- 08. More on JavaScript Dependencies
- 09. What optimizations would you try?
- 10. Async JavaScript
- 11. Pick the JavaScript Approach
- 12. General Strategies and CRP Diagrams
- 13. CRP Diagrams with External CSS
- 14. Calculate CRP Metrics
- 15. CRP Metrics Discussion
- 16. Calculate the CRP Metrics 2
- 17. What strategies would you try?
- 18. Can you Calculate CRP Metrics from HTML?
- 19. The Preload Scanner
- 20. Draw a CRP Diagram - Easy
- 21. Draw a CRP Diagram - Hard
- 22. The Final Project Overview
- 23. The Final Project Submission
- 24. Course Feedback
- 25. TCP Bonus Question